It has been unusually hot here in Stockholm the past week. Outside everything is bursting. Lilacs, apple blossom, hagberry. The scent in the air is almost overwhelming. Inside I am struggeling with too much stuff. Clothes, books, magazines, toys, blankets, piles of fabric....feels like I am drowning. I dusted all the books in our biggest book shelf this week and when done I didn't feel like putting them all back up again. I felt sort of free with all that new shelf space. First I thought of giving the books away but then I decided to keep them in our garden shed while figuring out what to do with them.
What do you do with books you've read and enjoyed but know you won't read again? If you have limited space like me? And while I am asking, my husband and I debated about how long one should keep Deco mags. We compromised on saving the ones from two years back.
Happy weekend to you all.