Monday, July 27, 2009

hannah skoonberg

My googling focus right now is crocheting and lino print tutorials. (and - totally besides the point - as I always want to know more about the author of the book I currently read - I am amazed to find out that Harper Lee and Truman Capote were close childhood friends) I found Sangha by Hannah Skoonberg while searching 'lino print'. Isn't it amazing? I carved a potatoe yesterday and managed something that with a lover's eye maybe would bear a tiny recemblance to the leaf that I used as a model.


  1. this is so cool. is this your first try!? i might have to hate you if it is. haha! are you reading to kill a mocking bird? great book! besos!

  2. Hey Jane! You need not kill me. I think I can promise that I will eat my shoes if a print by me ever looked a third as good as this one. And yes, I am reading To Kill a Mockingbird. What a fantastic and absorbing novel.

  3. I have always wanted to learn crochet but just cannot find the motivation.
    Love the black and white forest print.

  4. Totally dig the Moleskin notebooks! I have a small collection of Moleskins.

  5. nice one, I would like to try it sometimes

  6. Potatoe, did I read this correct?! I have carved potatoes several times, but I've found that they're really "good" only for one go ... I'm often toying with the idea of investing in a lino block! Did you find anything interesting under "crocheting"? I'd love to hear!
    PS Thank you for your nice comment.

  7. amazing. i'm the kind who'd carve a potato as well and never get anywhere near that fabulous lino print of a birch wood. :)

    i'm sure though your print looks much nicer than you make out - won't you post it?!

  8. how detailed and particular the cutting is

  9. Gorgeous. i love it! Thanks for sharing.

  10. indeed, how fabulous is it that harper lee and capote were childhood friends. I had forgoten all about that. I read mockinbird years for english class when I was quite young and it really made an impact (was also in love with gregory peck as a kid, so watched the film adaptation too)

    out of curiosity, did you also fry and eat that potato leaf up? ;)
