Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Yes, like I wrote in my last post, organization is on my mind right now. This is part of our small hallway. The clipboards are for all the papers that travel to and from our kid's activities. I can't count how many different systems we've tried in the past. We'll see if this will work. We built the shelf for gloves and stuff last year and today I painted it. The shelf is divided into different compartments to help the kids sort their own mittens, caps, etcetera. I thought it would be fun for them to draw their names so I used chalkboard paint on the front.
It looks like we run a nursery. If it works, I can live happily with that.


  1. I think it's brilliant! Fabulous idea!

  2. I love getting organized, don't you?! I'm curious to see if your new system works:)

  3. the clipboards are brilliant! i love hooks, too.
    another favorite are cork boards. i use cork trivets i found at IKEA.
    here is a link to one of my recent organization posts:


  4. Brilliant! It looks great and so functional. Be sure to give us an update...

  5. good luck, it looks very promising. I tried baskets on shelves, with name tags. Everything was piled on top of the shelf, baskets empty, except mine.

  6. oooh, I want those "glove compartments", so f-ing brilliant.
    I'm also thinking of buying some chalkboard paint myself (in a bright sunny colour) for the kitchen wall/cubboards!
